Madhya Pradesh’s tribal-dominated Mandla region has become the first fully “functionally literate” district in the country. The literacy rate in the district was 68 per cent as per a survey in 2011, while another report in 2020 pointed out that over 2.25 lakh people were not literate in the district and most of them were tribals living in the forest areas. About Madhya Pradesh Capital: Bhopal Chief minister: Shivraj Singh Chouhan Governor:Mangubhai C. Patel
The ministry has directed all engineering colleges in India, (A)/ the ones that figures in the National Institutional Ranking Framework rating, (B)/ to ...
Identify the highlighted part of speech, choose the correct answer
The campers hid inside the Cabin when they saw the bear.
...The tribunal noted that the driver of the (offend) truck did not lead any evidence in rebuttal of the claims.
Lower production costs and free trade agreements (A)/in western buyers are (B)/what favours Bangladesh, (C)/which fall third in the line (D)/as a gl...
Choose the grammatically correct sentence.
...Citizenship is the relationship (A)/ among an individual and a state (B)/ in which the individual belongs, (C)/ and owes allowance to the state (D)/ ...
Choose the correct combination of grammatically incorrect sentences
I. The law, which also provides for a social audit and grievance redress, ...
(i) meticulous
(ii) humorous
(iii) rigorous
(iv) numerous
I. In a sudden decision not previously intimated, India became one of a 13-nation economic initiative led by the U.S., as President Joseph Biden unveile...
You must pay the fees _____a week