India’s 1st Indigenously Developed Hydrogen Fuel Cell Bus was unveiled in Pune recently by MoS Science and Technology, Dr Jitendra Singh on 21st August 2022. The Hydrogen Fuel Cell Bus has been developed by KPIT-CSIR in Pune. The Indigenously Developed Hydrogen Fuel Cell Bus has been developed as part of National Green Hydrogen Mission and Atmanirbhar Bharat mission. About National Hydrozen Misson In his Independence Day speech on August 15, 2021, Hon'ble Prime Minister announced the launch of National Hydrogen Mission. The draft Mission proposes a framework inter-alia for a phased implementation approach, demand creation, a basket of measures to support production and utilization of Green Hydrogen, support for indigenous manufacturing, Research & Development, pilot projects, enabling policies and regulations, and infrastructure development. Both private companies and Public Private Partnership entities are expected to be facilitated by the measures proposed in the draft Mission.
An empty tank can be filled by an inlet pipe in 10 hours, while an outlet pipe can empty it in 15 hours. If we open (N - 1) outlet pipes of the same cap...
Pipe ‘A’ can fill a tank in 12 hours while pipe ‘B’ takes 15 hours to empty it. Pipe ‘A’ is opened alone when the tank was empty and after 1...
Pipes A and B alone can fill a tank in 12 minutes and 18 minutes, respectively, while pipe C alone can empty the full tank in 36 minutes. If all the pip...
There was the leakage in the Oil tanker. If 20 litre of oil is leaked out per day then it would have lasted for 50 days and if the leakage was 32 litre ...
A large cistern can be filled by two pipes, P and Q, in 16 minutes and 24 minutes, respectively. Pipe R can empty the cistern in ...
Tap A can fill a tank in 9 hours. Tap B can fill 37.5% part of the same tank in 3 hours, whereas Tap C can alone empty a tank in ‘x’ hours. 2/5 part...
Pipes ‘A’ and ‘B’ can fill a tank in 6 hours and 9 hours, respectively. If pipe ‘C’ is opened along with pipes ‘A’ and ‘B’, then the...
Pipe A alone fill the tank in x hours and Pipe B alone fill the tank in (x – 6) hours. If the efficiency of pipe B is double of pipe A and pipe A ...
Pipe Y is 25% less efficient than pipe X. Together, pipes X and Y can fill a tank in 15 minutes. Pipe Z alone can empty the tank ...
Pipe 'A' and pipe 'B', alone can fill a tank in 20 minutes and 30 minutes, respectively. Both the pipes were opened together to fill the tank, but later...