India's largest floating power project has now become fully functional at Ramagundam in Telangana. Energy conglomerate National thermal power Corporation (NTPC) has set up the 100 megawatt (MW) plant through Bharat Heavy Electricals (BHEL) under Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) contract. With the commercial operation of the final part capacity of 20 MW, the plant has been fully commissioned at Ramagundam in Peddapalli district.
According to Edward& Heath (1964), the pest is said to be "economic pest" if any pestcauses at least ______ or more loss to the crops.
Which is the major objective of Integrated Farming System?
Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering is situated at:
What is the firing order of a six stroke I.C. engine?
In sorghum somatic chromosome number is 20. What would be its chromosome number in the endosperm?
"Sagar Parikrama" is a transformative journey planned across the coastal belt to show solidarity with the fisher folk, fish farmers, and related stakeho...
In which type of flower does the margin of the thalamus grow upward and enclose the ovary completely, making the ovary inferior?
The statistical design used when fertility gradient of soil is in one direction is
Which of the following is not matched correctly?
The black arm or angular leaf spot of cotton is caused by: