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3D Solar System Models- Google and NASA have come together to bring more than 60 3D models of planets, moons and NASA spacecraft to Google Search and Google Arts & Culture. The new feature will not only let people view the celestial bodies like Moon or Mars in 3D avatar but also let them project themselves in the space through Augmented Reality using phones. They can also view 3D annotations of cells, get in-depth knowledge about biological concepts such as skeletal systems and other such educational models. Google Headquarters: California, United States CEO: Sundar Pichai NASA Headquarters: Washington DC,US Administrator: Bill Nelson
Which of the following would be the THIRD statement after rearrangement?
Given below are four sentences in jumbled order. Pick the option that gives their correct order.
A. But Mr. Oliver did not feel nervous at all.
Given below are six sentences, out of which sentences A and F are in the correct position. Sentences B, C, D and E are in a jumbled order. Select the op...
Which of the following is the fourth sentence of the passage?
Which of the following is the sixth sentence of the passage?
Directions: In the questions given below, a paragraph has been broken down into four sentences labeled (A), (B), (C) and (D) and arranged, not necessar...
In the correct arrangement, which of the following represents the sentence that immediately precedes sentence B?
Given below are six sentences, out of which sentences A and F are in the correct position. Sentences B, C, D and E are in a jumbled order. Select the op...
In the early 2000’s,(A)/ design was just begin (B) /to be defined as a broad speciality.(C)/ No error. (D)
Sentences of a paragraph are given below in jumbled order. Arrange the sentences in the correct order to form a meaningful and coherent paragraph.