Rajasthan has approved an additional financial support of Rs 100 crore for a scheme to promote small businesses. This will help in the smooth operation of the scheme and increase the number of beneficiaries. The Rajasthan Government also approved multiple exemptions to boost local exporters. The reimbursement amount to be received by exporters under the reimbursement scheme for participating in international trade fairs, exhibitions and business service management (BSM) has been increased to 50 percent from 30 percent. The period of the scheme has also been extended till March 31, 2025.
Choose which of the following figures completes the pattern.
A sheet of paper has been folded as shown by the question figure. You have to figure out from amongst the four answer figures how it will...
How many triangles are there in the diagram below:
Identify the answer figure from which the pieces given in question figure have been cut.
Which answer figure completes the form in the question figure? Question Image: Which answer figure will complete the pattern in the question figure? Question image:
Select the answer figure which is the same as question figure