Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission completed one year of its launch on September 27, 2022. The motto of the scheme is to transform India’s Digital Healthcare landscape. Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the mission on September 27, 2021, to provide the benefits of digital health services to the citizens of the country. As of now, over 24.38 crore Ayushman Bharat Health Account ABHA IDs have been generated. Over one lakh 59 thousand health facilities have been registered. Over 90 thousand healthcare professionals have been registered and over 1.36 crore health records have been linked. The Ayushman Bharat Digital Scheme is also necessary to make policymakers and the government aware of people’s overall health and make appropriate decisions. · The Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission, generally known as ABDM, is a government-backed plan that enables all Indian citizens to keep their health records using Ayushman Bharat Digital Health ID Card. · The Ayushman Bharat Digital Health ID Card linked to account contains all digital health-related data such as diseases, tests, medicines are taken, diagnosis of the conditions, etc. · The mission helps to transfer medical data efficiently in digital form. · The scheme helps medical professionals of various disciplines to access the patient’s medical records. · This also enables doctors to examine and treat patients more effectively and efficiently.
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