Prime Minister Narendra Modi waved the green flag for the Ahmedabad Metro Rail Project . The Ahmedabad Metro Rail Project is a monumental boost to multimodal infrastructure connectivity . Phase - I of the Ahmedabad Metro project comprises about 32 km of the East - West corridor from Apparel Park to Thaltej and the North - South corridor between Motera to Gyaspur . The Thaltej - Vastral route in the East - West corridor has 17 stations . This corridor also has a 6 . 6 km underground section with four stations . The 19 km North - South corridor that connects Gyaspur to Motera Stadium has 15 stations . The entire Phase 1 project is built at a cost of more than ₹12,900 crores . About Gujarat Capital : Gandhinagar Chief minister : Bhupendrabhai Patel Governor : Acharya Devvrat
If 'A + B' means that A is the brother of B, 'A X B' means that A is the daughter of B, 'A ÷ B' means that A is the father of B, then which of the fol...
If A $ B means A is son of B, A # B means A is brother of B and A * B means A is father of B, then what does P # Q * R $ S mean?
If 'V ?J + F > M' is true, then how is O related to V?
‘R+S’ means ‘R is the daughter of S’. ‘R−S’ means ‘R is the husband of S’.‘R × S’ means ‘R is the brother of S’. If ‘T × V...
In expression I @ P % K $ O @ G # N % F, how is P related to F’s sister?
P + Q means ‘P is the brother of Q’, P - Q means ‘P is the daughter of Q’, P ÷ Q means ‘P is the husband of Q’, P × Q means ‘P is the so...
If ‘W#U#T?R*S’ is true then how is T related to W?
If "H © I & J # D # E @ F & G % K $ L", then how is E related to I?
Which of the following is definitely true for B + C - D ÷ E + F - G ?
If "S $ T @ U & R % V # W & Y © Z", then how is S related to W?