The Securities and Exchange Board of India ( SEBI) slapped a penalty of Rs 10 crore on Gautam Thapar of the Avantha Group, for alleged fund diversion at CG Power and Industrial Solutions. The regulator also imposed Rs 5 crore on Avantha Holdings and Rs 1 crore each on IndusInd Bank and Aditya Birla Finance, lenders involved in the transactions with the Avantha Group. A total penalty of Rs 30. 15 crore has been slapped in the matter against 11 entities.
With reference to ‘fuel cells’ in which hydrogen-rich fuel and oxygen are used to generate electricity, consider the following statements :
The average wage of a group of 30 labourers is Rs. 400. If 4 persons receiving average wage of Rs. 320 leave the group and 2 persons receiving average w...
How long does an annuitant have to wait to withdraw the deposit amount in the Varishtha Pension Bima Yojana (VPBY) scheme?
The product of two positive numbers is 3920. If one number is five times the other, then the sum of the two numbers is:
Trade Union Act came into force in:
In which generation did multi-programming start ?
Factories are required to provide adequate ______ facilities for workers.
A and B invested Rs.5000 and Rs.7000 in a business respectively and after 5 months B withdrawn 50% of his initial investment and again after 5 months he...
Who is an 'Adolescent' as per the Factories Act, 1948 ?
The provision of workers' participation in the management of industries is provided under