BSE received approval from the Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI) to set up a social stock exchange (SSE) as a separate segment of the BSE. In its circular, the regulator had specified minimum requirements to be met by a non-profit organisation (NPO) for registration with SSE, disclosure requirements for NPOs raising funds through the issuance of zero-coupon zero principal instruments and put in place annual disclosure requirements that need to be made by NPOs on such exchanges.The listed NPO will have to submit a statement of the utilisation of funds to SSE, as mandated under SEBI's rules, within 45 days from the end of the quarter and an Annual Impact Report (AIR) within 90 days from the end of financial year. SEBI Headquarters: Mumbai Chairman: Madhabi Puri Buch BSE Headquarters: Mumbai MD & CEO: Ashish Kumar Chauhan Social Stock Exchange -An SSE allows the listing of non-profit or non-government organisations on stock exchanges, providing them with an alternative fund-raising structure. It may be listed on BSE or NSE.
Should Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) be entitled to dual citizenship?
I. Yes, This will bolster the intima...
Statement: An advertisement of an insurance company “Want to take a new insurance policy! Just dial our ‘home service’ and we will c...
Statement: The alumni of the institute returned to rescue crumbling building of 112-year-old alma mater.
I. The Building of the institute was...
Last night thieves used gas cylinders and cutter machines to drill a hole in the wall of a vacant flat which shared a common wall with the shop
Statement : The central government has decided to provide skill training to four thousand Indian youth under Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana.
Statement: The poor identification of vulnerable low lying areas was one of the many factors that led to the massive floods.
Assumption I: ...
Statement: An event, aimed at sensitising the public to curb noise pollution and vehicle users to only blow horn when utmost necessary, was held.
Statement: “If the boss is not able to clearly state the deliverables, the employee should make an effort to seek clarity with respect to the expec...
Statement: The Multi-Disciplinary Training Centre, Khadi and Village industries is organizing a one-week training in candle making.
I. The ...
A statement is given, followed by two assumptions I and II. You have to consider the statement and two assumptions and decide which of the assumption(s)...