SEBI has barred 10 entities, including Bombay Dyeing & Manufacturing Company Ltd and its promoters — Nusli N Wadia, Ness Wadia and Jehangir Wadia — from the securities markets for up to two years and levied a fine totalling Rs 15.75 crore on them for being involved in a fraudulent scheme of misrepresenting the company’s financial statements. Others banned and penalised by Sebi are — Scal Services Ltd, a Wadia Group company, its then directors D S Gagrat, N H Datanwala Shailesh Karnik, R Chandrasekharan, and Durgesh Mehta, who was joint managing director and chief financial officer of Bombay Dyeing. SEBI Headquarters: Mumbai Chairman: Madhabi Puri Buch Bombay Dyeing Headquarters: Mumbai Chairman: Nusli Wadia
Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
Be hard up
Choose the opposite word.
The heating system is the bane of my life as it always keeps breaking down.
To take to one's heels
Play it by the ear
Mutual discourse
Wear the green willow
The agent did a _______________ on me and took away my hard-earned money. I should have been more careful.
Miss the boat
Whoop it up