China has launched a new observatory (named Kuafu-1, after a giant in Chinese mythology who chased the sun) that will look into the Sun after successfully integrating its under-construction Space Station and approving the next phase of its lunar missions. The Advanced Space-based Solar Observatory (ASO-S) was launched onboard a Long March-2D rocket.
What can a company formed under the Companies Act, which has no significant accounting transactions and is intended for a future project or asset holdin...
What is the minimum number of directors in the case of a public company?
As per SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015, How does the definition of an insider treat a connected person?
Which of the following is the main body of United Nations Organisation?
The incorporation document shall consist of a statement of an advocate, CA or CS that the LLP has complied with all the provisions of LLP act, person ma...
Which of the following persons cannot be charged jointly?
Which Part of the Constitution of India consists of Emergency provisions?
In the case of a Government company the Comptroller and Auditor-General of India shall, appoint an auditor within a period of _____________ from the com...
Forms and contents of Arbitral award are given under which section of Arbitration and Conciliation act, 1996?
The thief in order to steal something, creeps after sunset into a ship at a port- hole between decks and then leaves before sunrise. He has committed