•India will host the women’s world boxing championships in 2023 in New Delhi, two years after the country was stripped of the hosting rights of men’s event for not paying the requisite fee to the global governing body. • India has never conducted the men’s world championship but it will be the third time that the elite women’s competition will be held in the country having conducted the championships in 2006 and 2018 in New Delhi. •The men’s world championship, to be held in Tashkent next year in May, will see the prize money go double from the previous edition. It is to be seen if the world body announces the same for the women’s event.
Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below.
When rocks break down because of chemical reactions, it is called ______.
Economic injury level is ________________ economic threshold level.
How is the change in pH of soil cover time due to rainfall?
Buggy whipping condition in sorghum is caused by
Which of the following is monoembryonic Citrus species?
Photosynthesis cycle of C₃ plants is
What is the area sprayed by a full tank of a sprayer, if the volume of the sprayer tank is 225 litres and rate of spray application per ha is 150 litres?
Which of these plants contains nitrogenfixing bacteria?
One of the following seed takes longest time to germinate: