The Government of Tamil Nadu has declared an area in the reserve forests of Krishnagiri and Dharmapuri as the Cauvery Wildlife Sanctuary. Comprising an expanse of 686.406, the sanctuary will be part of a protected landscape contiguous with the forests that currently constitute the Cauvery North Wildlife Sanctuary which is shared between Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. About Tamil Nadu Capital: Chennai Chief minister: M. K. Stalin Governor: R. N. Ravi
Depth of nursery pond should be between:
___________species of oats covers 80 % of total oats area
Klinostat is employed in the study of
Plants absorb nickel in the form of-
Given below are two statements:
Statement I
A remote sensing system that possesses only a sensor and depends on an external source to i...
Sowing of wheat in standing rice/basmati rice requires
Seed germination depends on
An initiative of the GOI and FSSAI to transform the country’s food system to ensure safe, healthy and sustainable food to all is known as:
Which chemical is used to inhibit mold growth in bread?
Polyembryony is a phenomenon where multiple embryos develop from a single fertilized egg. This phenomenon is observed in