The Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL) has received the central government's nod to go ahead with Rs 26,281 crore deal with Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), paving its way to launch 4G services in India. TCS will set up the 4G lines and maintain the network for nine years. BSNL will give Rs 10,000 crore worth of purchase orders to TCS & is also aiming to launch 5G services by August 2023. TCS Headquarters: Mumbai CEO: Rajesh Gopinath
Which of the following statements about Prompt Corrective Action is/are True?
I- Prompt Corrective Action F...
When Government expenditure is more than income, through which of the following ways, it does the deficit financing?
(1) From Banks
(2) Fr...
Consider the following statements regarding Phase II of the Swachh Bharat Mission (Grameen) [SBM (G)]
1) The program will be implemented ...
Which of the following Statements about IREDA is/are True?
I- It is registered as Non-Banking Financial Company (NFBC) with Reserve Bank of India...
Which of the following Statements about Multiplier Effect is/are True?
I- When the government spends a rupee, overall income rises by a multiple ...
What is the basic difference between Gross NPA and Net NPA?
I- Gross NPA is the total of Bank loans and Net NPA is the total of all kinds of loan...
Who among the following is not one of the eligible beneficiaries of PMUY?