The government has monetised assets worth Rs 33,422 crore under the National Monetisation Pipeline (NMP) in 2022-23 so far, with the Coal Ministry leading the list by raising Rs 17,000 crore, and the Ports and Shipping Ministry surpassing its overall fiscal target. In 2021-22, the government surpassed the programme's first-year target of Rs 88,000 crore by completing transactions worth Rs 1 lakh crore. According to the government's latest estimate, there is likely to be a shortfall of Rs 38,243 crore in realising the overall asset monetisation target of Rs 1,62,422 crore in 2022-23. Furthermore, while the Ministry of Coal, the Ministry of Mines, and the Ministry of Ports and Shipping are likely to surpass the asset monetisation target, the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, is on track to achieve the target. The Ministry of Power, the Ministry of Railways, the Ministry of Civil Aviation, and the Ministry of Oil and Gas are likely to miss the target.
Pipe ‘A’ and pipe ‘B’, together can fill 20% of a tank in 6 hours while pipe ‘C’ takes 34 hours to empty it. ...
Pipes ‘A’ and ‘B’ can fill a tank in 6 hours and 9 hours, respectively. If pipe ‘C’ is opened along with pipes ‘A’ and ‘B’, then the...
Pipes A and B can fill a tank in 43.2 minutes and 108 minutes, respectively. Pipe C can empty it at 3 litres/minute. When all the three pipes are opened...
Tap A and Tap B fill a drum of volume 648 liters in 12 minutes. If their efficiencies are in the ratio x:y respectively and B alone takes to fill the c...
Tap ‘A’ and tap ‘B’ can fill a tank in 40 hours and 36 hours, respectively. If both taps are opened together, then find the time after which tap...
Pipe ‘A’ can fill a 150-litre tank in 15 hours. If pipe ‘A’ is 25% more efficient than pipe ‘C’ whereas pipe ‘B’ is 50% more efficient t...
Pipe ‘A’ takes 15 minutes to fill a tank. Pipe ‘B’ takes 25 minutes to empty the same tank. If pipe ‘B’ is opened 11 minutes after pipe ‘A...
Tap A and tap B can fill a tank in 20 hours and 25 hours respectively. If both the taps are opened together,then find the time after which tap B must be...
Pipe A and B fill a tank in 43.2minutes and 108minutes respectively, Pipe C can empty it at 3 liters /minutes. When all the three pipes are opened toget...
Pipe M and N can fill a tank together in 25 hours while pipe N alone can fill the tank in 30 hours. Find the time taken by pipe M to fill the tank if it...