The Centre is looking to allocate an additional Rs 28,000 crore for the flagship rural housing programme, Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana–Gramin (PMAY-G), this fiscal year to ensure completion of the targeted dwellings before the next general election in 2024.
What is used as a conventional regulator for controlling fan speed?
The term “evergreening of loans” refers to:
As per CCPI, 2023; India is the only G-20 country in the top 10 ranks. The first three ranks in the overall ranking were grabbed by
Who launched the 'Northeast Odyssey' motorcycle expedition in October 2024?
Which startup of India has won Earthshot Prize 2022?
Consider the following statement:
I. The G20 Finance Track, led by Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors of G20 countries.