Chiranjeevi was named the Indian Film Personality of the Year during the opening of the 53rd International Film Festival of India (IFFI) in Goa. The Indian Film Personality of the Year award to Chiranjeevi is an acknowledgment of the actor’s multi-decade contribution as an actor, dancer, and producer in Indian Cinema. About 53rd International Film Festival of India The 53rd International Film Festival of India is being held in Goa from 20 November to 28 November. One of Asia’s oldest film festivals, IFFI opened with the screening of Austrian Director Dieter Berner’s film Alma and Oskar.
Find the ratio of Ram’s age to Rahul’s age.
Statement I: Ram’s age is equal to Alok’s age and Alok age is 2 years l...
Janaki leaves her home everyday at 7:55 a.m and reaches at 9: 25 a.m. However, one day she left her home at 7:55 a.m. but reached office at 09:20:30 a.m...
In each of the following questions, a question is followed by information given in three statements. You have to study the question along with the stat...
What is the value of a two digit number?
Statement I: The sum of the digits of the number is 9.
Statement II: The digit at the tens...
Find the area of a rhombus.
A. Sum of the squares of the diagonals is 256 m².
B. Perimeter of the rhombus is 32 m.
C. Ratio of...
Find the rate of interest per annum on a sum of money invested? Statement I: The difference between the compound interest and simple interest at the e...
What is the yearly salary of Mr. Rohan?
I. Sohan earns Rs. 44000 more than Mohan in a year who earns Rs. 16000 more than Rohan per annum.
A shopkeeper sells a homogeneous mixture of A and B at a rate of Rs 320 per kg. Find the profit percentage of the shopkeeper.
Statement I : he b...
The question consists of two statements numbered “I and II” given below it. You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are suffi...
At what time will a train reach city P from city Q?
I. The 600 meter long train crosses a signal pole in 20 seconds.
II. The another train...