India’s biggest Yoga Center has been constructed in the village Mantalai in the Chenani Tehsil of Jammu and Kashmir’s Udhampur. The village will serve the International Yoga Centre at the banks of the Tawi River. The Ministry of Ayush has also been working on a series of projects to promote the world’s holistic oldest healthcare system in the Union Territory. About Jammu & Kashmir Union territory: 31 October 2019 Capital: Srinagar (Summer), Jammu(Winter)
Statement: Of all the online mock test prepared by ixambee, ‘SBI PO’ mock test has the largest sale.
1) No other m...
Statement : For the first time in decades, the Mysuru Zoo will receive a new species of wildlife to mark its 125th Anniversary.
I. ...
Statement: Scores of students and parents staged a sit-down protest outside the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) for not interv...
Statement: Even with the increase in the number of Mineral fuels factories in India, we still continue to import Mineral fuel.
I. The university officers have decided to conduct last examination every year in March/April in order to a...
Consider the following statements:
Assertion (A): The seeds and saplings should be treated with a germicide.
Reason (R): The seeds and ...
Statement: As an ongoing mission to help taxpayers, the e-portal service has been set up by the Additional Commissioner of Income Tax at the taxpayer...
Statement: A construction worker was buried alive when mud from a 20-ft high pit collapsed on him and four others.
Assumption I: The oth...
Statement : “The first step toward success is taken when you refuse to be a captive of the environment in which you first find yourself” - Mark Cai...
Statement: G > U > H ≤ I = V < S
Conclusions: I. G > S II. U ≥ H