The Karthigai Deepam Chariot festival was held at Thiruparankundram in Madurai after a gap of two years due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Karthigai Deepam festival started with flag hoisting on November 28. Tamil Nadu celebrates Karthigai Deepam as the traditional festival. It is a very old festival and is also celebrated in the neighboring states like Kerala, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka. This festival is very important among the Tamils. About Tamil Nadu Capital: Chennai Chief minister: M. K. Stalin Governor: R. N. Ravi
At what time groundnut plant is self pollinated?
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Generally fats with saturated fatty acids are________ at room temperature.
The factor which is NOT contributing to the change in the rural market are:
According to Mass Flow Hypothesis the sugar is moved in the form of ____into the companion cells and then into the living phloem sieve tube cells by...
Among the cationic and anionic form of Nitrogen, which form of Nitrogen is most preferred for plant uptake?
Moisture content for safe storage of wheat, barley, maize is _________
The receptor of brassinosteroid
Most expensive spice in the world is
Pollination by insects is called :