In the meeting both the countries discussed the WAH(Water, Agriculture and Health), Science and Technology, Renewable resources as important sectors for the future.
Which of the following is the sixth sentence of the passage?
1. After school, we went home and told our respective parents about the incident.
P. The Principal summoned the teacher.
Q. Not only did t...
Select the option that arranges sentences A, B, C and D in a logical sequence.
A. This reputation overwhelms his record and when people think of ...
Given below is a sentence in which four words are emboldened. The words may or may not be in their correct position. Rearrange the words if required an...
Choose the correct statement as your answer.
In the questions given below, a sentence has been divided into four fragments (A), (B), (C) and (D) and is arranged (not necessarily in the correct ord...
The committee decided to convene (A) to discuss (B) the impending (C) consequences (D) of their actions
...Which should be the first sentence after rearrangement?
If you’re stuck for gift ideas,
P- then this is the place to
Q- at weekend it gets very crowded
R- come, but be aware that
Rearrange the parts of the sentence in correct order.
P. by the Indian Army
Q. in Infantry and Armoured Corps
R. several women of...