Italy topped the list with 4.72 ranking followed by Greece, Spain, Japan and India.
Four different positions of the same dice are shown. Select the letter that will be on the face opposite to the face having the letter B.
From the following two different appearance of dice find out the number which is opposite ‘5’.
Three different positions of the same dice are shown. Select the letter that will be on the face opposite to the face having the letter 'F'?
Choose the cube that will be formed by folding the sheet of paper shown in the problem figure.
Three positions of a dice are given below. According to these three positions, what will can in the place of ‘?’.
. A dice is thrown four times and its four different positions are given below. Find the number on the face opposite the face showing 2.
Two positions of the same dice are shown. Select the number that will be on the face opposite to the one showing 6.
Which number will be on the face opposite to the face with number 4.
Select the dices which can be formed by folding the given sheet along the lines.