Tata Power has received a Rs 450 crore sustainable trade finance facility from MUFG Bank of Japan to fund its solar projects in India. MUFG has extended the financing to fund Tata Power's two solar power projects - a 100 MW renewable project in Parthur, Maharashtra and a 120 MW green energy project in Mesanka, Gujarat.
Members of which phylum are commonly known as sponges?
What are the tiny pores on the surface of plant leaves called?
The BSF (Border security Force) celebrated its _____ formation day on 1st December, 2022.
Which is the only muscle in the human body that is NOT attached at both the ends?
Which instrument is used to examine the interior of the nose?
Which of the following disease is caused by the deficiency of iodine in food?
The maintenance of Human blood Pressure is an example of
Athlete's foot is caused by:
Tuberculosis is a disease of the ______.
Which of the following hormone used as the medication to facilitate childbirth?