The data provided by the Ministry of Finance showed that Gross goods and services tax (GST) collection for December rang up over Rs 1.49 trillion. This was the third-highest monthly collection since the tax was introduced in July 2017. The Budget 2022 set the Central GST (CGST) target at Rs 6.6 trillion, excluding the compensation cess.Out of the mop-up in December, central CGST was Rs 26,711 crore, State GST Rs 33,357 crore, integrated GST Rs 78,434 crore (including Rs 40,263 crore collected on imports of goods), and cess Rs 11,005 crore (including Rs 850 crore collected on imports of goods).
Photovoltaic cells are:
What Type of Mirror Is Commonly Used as Rear-View Mirrors in Vehicles?
Temperature of the Sun is measured by?
Which of the following determines the loudness or softness of the sound?
What is termed as 'mechanical energy' in physics?
Minimum Distance for proper vision is
Which of the following wind is also known as “ICE HEATER?”
When two charged bodies are properly connected but do not exchange electric current, it indicates that they have the same _____.
The important unit of a microprocessor is –
The energy possessed by a body due to its position or shape is known as: