Continue with your mobile number
Solution- The full form of KYC is Know Your Customer. KYC is the method of a company that verifies the customer’s identity and assesses possible risks to the business relationship from criminal intentions. The name is also used to relate to the regulations on banks and anti-money laundering regulations that govern such activities. Reserve Bank of India (RBI) adopted the KYC process to avoid financial fraud, such as identity theft, money laundering and illegal transactions. Here is a required document serving as identification evidence and address proof Passport Voter ID card Driving Licence PAN card Aadhaar Card If the document you provide for identity proof does not contain details of the address, you can send another legally valid document containing details of the address such as electricity bill, telephone bill, gas bill, etc.
.............. file format used for data compression and archiving
What type of virus uses computer hosts to reproduce itself?
Which of the following is not anti- viruses’ software?
.......... are set of rules and procedures to control the data transmission over the internet
A large network that usually spans several buildings in the same city or town that connects two or more computers, communicating devices or networks in ...
In MS word we may insert
Which menu option is used to add Header and Footer in a document?
A file which has not been altered, compressed, or manipulated in any way by the computer is called?
CMOS stands for__
Which of the following is an intersection of a row and column in a spreadsheet?