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In how many ways can the letters of the word VOWEL can be arranged so that all the consonants occupy odd places, vowels come on even places?
In a group of 9 boys and 5 girls, 5 students have to be selected. In how many ways it can be done so that only 2 boys are included.
Nine boys have to stand in a circle. In how many ways they are to be stand on the circumference of circle?
In a group of 5 boys and 4 girls, 5 students have to be selected. In how many ways it can be done so that only 2 boys are included.
Find the number of words that can be formed by using all letters of the word 'ESCAPE', if it starts with letter C and end with letter P.
Among a set of 4 black balls and 3 white balls, how many selections of 3 balls can be made such that at least 2 of them are black balls?
In How many ways can a student choose a program of 5 courses, if 9 courses are available and 2 courses are compulsory for every student?
In how many ways can 6 boys and 3 girls can be seated in a row so that they are in alternate position.
How many 8 digit numbers can be formed using the digits 1, 2, 0, 2, 4, 1, 2, 4 ?
In how many ways can the letters of the word ‘MEDICAL’ be rearranged so that the vowels never come together?