The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) notified that any person looking to acquire more than 5 per cent stake in a bank will need prior approval from the regulator. After an acquisition, if the shareholding falls below 5 per cent, the person will be required to seek fresh approval from the RBI if the person intends to again raise the aggregate holding to 5 per cent or more. Any person from the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) non-compliant jurisdiction will not be allowed to acquire a major shareholding in a bank. It further announced that the permission of the Reserve Bank to acquire shares or voting rights in a banking company for non-promoter will be limited to 10 per cent in case of individuals, non-financial institutions, and financial institutions connected with large industrial houses. About FATF (Financial Action Task Force) Founded: 1989 Headquarters: Paris, France President: T Raja Kumar
What is the changing step in Lewin's change model?
In management the function of putting right man on right job i.e. square pegs in square holes and round pegs in round holes, is termed as-
John Adair's action-centred leadership model, mentions three core management responsibilities. Which is not one of them?
i. Achieving the task
Why is the refreezing step important in Lewin's change model?
What is one advantage of democratic leadership?
What is the characteristic of an autocratic leader?
What are the three steps in Kurt Lewin's change model?
Which of the following is NOT a task of a leader?
What is the leadership style of a free-rein leader?
In which sector is bureaucratic leadership style mostly prevalent?