SBI has raised Rs 9,718 crore through its second infrastructure bond issuance at a coupon rate of 7.70 per cent per annum for the 15-year money. This is the second fund-raising since early December when it had mopped up Rs 10,000 crore via infra bonds.
___________is the yellow green pigment of skim milk.
Fuzzy or cottony appearance usually represent growth of
Pasteurization is a heat treatment that kills………microorganisms
secondary metabolite are produced during --------- of bacterial growth
… …&……… ultrasound is normally used to monitor food products or processes.
Pulps & concentrates are generally dried with_______
A dilute solution of sodium hydroxide is used in…….peeling
Packaging of food is done for the purpose
a) To avoid the contamination of food product.
b) To avoid insect invasion.
TDT represents…….of microbes
following are some statements related to mixed culture
a. The same as a contained culture
b. One that contains 5 spe...