Skyhawk, India's first 5G-enabled drone capable of vertical take-off and landing, has been built by Noida-based IG Drones. The firm arose from the Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology in Odisha. Skyhawk can carry a 10-kilogram payload, has a five-hour endurance, and can function through satellites if an internet connection is absent.
Effect of fraud or mistake has been prescribed in Section_______ of the Limitation Act, 1963.
“The interpretation which is not in conflict with the intent of statute should be opted for”. This is the principle of
Which section of the BharatiyaSakshayaAdhiniyam, 2023 delas with the provisions related to confession to the police?
What relief Code of Civil Procedure provides?
In the case of a Government company the Comptroller and Auditor-General of India shall, appoint an auditor within a period of _____________ from the com...
Can a foreign judgement be used in a court in India?
With reference to section 90 of Indian Penal Code, 1860, 'Consent of child' means:-
What change has been made regarding exemptions from giving evidence for legal professionals in the transition from the Evidence Act to the Bharatiya Sak...
According to which Jurist it is Law of Torts?
In which chapter of Indian Evidence Act provisions regarding Burden of Proof are codified