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Namami Gange Programme was launched in June 2014 for a period up to 31st March, 2021 to rejuvenate River Ganga and its tributaries with a budgetary outlay of Rs.20,000 crore. Considering the need and spread of the Programme, Government of India has further approved Namami Gange Mission-II with a budgetary outlay of Rs.22,500 crore till 2026 interalia including projects for existing liabilities (Rs.11,225 Cr) and new projects/interventions (Rs.11,275 crore).
Drainage method used in high water table areas under the surface.
Black soils popularly known as “Black cotton soils” are high in clay content and these soil develop wide cracks during the dry season but their iron...
Pheromone Gossyplure released by an insect
Which of the following pigments acts as a reaction- centre during photosynthesis?
What is the budget allocated for the National Beekeeping and Honey Mission (NBHM) covering the fiscal years from 2020-2021 to 2022-2023?
Vertisol order soil is found maximum in which state?
Which of the following Indian sheep breed is known for producing superior
quality carpet wool
E-nam was launched in which year
During milling of wheat, nutrient losses occur, fortification helps in adding back those nutrients……………………………… when added to whe...
Somatic embryos generate plants called as?