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The RBI Monetary Policy Committee ( MPC ) has hiked the repo rate by 25 basis points . The Standing Deposit Facility and Marginal Standing Facility have also been increased by 25 bps . The MPC has raised the repo rate by a total of 250 basis points since May 2022. . RBI will remain focused on the withdrawal of accommodation after this revision too . The rates after revision are as follows - Inflation in the next fiscal year is expected to be 5.3 per cent for 2023-2024, with Q1 at 5 per cent, Q2 at 5.4 percent, Q3 at 5.4 per cent and Q4 at 5.6 per cent. RBI has pegged real GDP growth for FY24 at 6.4 per cent while growth for FY23 has been pegged at 7 per cent. The MPC has forecast Q1FY24 growth at 7.8 per cent, Q2 at 6.2 percent, Q3 at 6 per cent and Q4 at 5.8 per cent.
What is the aim of Public International Law?
A. promotion of friendly relations among the member states
B. providing for basic humanitaria...
Which of the following is a new type of company which was introduced by the Companies Act, 2013?
Who among the following is author of the book ‘Law of Tort’?
The legal maxim Doli Incapax is associated with Section ….. of IPC
A decree holder is:
The Insurance Advisory Committee shall consist of_______________________ as per the Insurance Act in the question
Consider the following statements:
Statements I: In criminal proceedings, the fact that the person accused is of a good character, is relevant.
Persona Non grata means___________________
After the after the commencement of the Insurance Act, 1938 no insurer carrying on any class of insurance business in India shall after the expiry of __...
After dissolution every partner has a right to restrain___