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PRESIDENT JOE Biden announced that the US is nominating Ajay Banga to lead the World Bank.
Match List I with list II
Universal antidote is the mixture of activated charcoal : Tiannic acid : MgO in the ratio of
Optimum depth of sowing for high yielding Mexican dwarf wheat is:
The haploid phase in plant is called:
Sugarbeet crop, which is used to extract sugar belongs to which family?
The pyrimidine base that replaces thymine in RNA as against DNA is
When two well developed breeds are crossed alternatively is knowns as ?
Golden flake is a disorder of
FIRB (Furrow Irrigated Raised Bed) Method of irrigation is most suitable for which crop?
Under the PM-KISAN scheme, all landholding farmers' families shall be provided the financial benefit of Rs.____/-per annum per family payable in three e...