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NewSpace Research & Technologies is a Bengaluru-based start-up that has supplied the Swarm drone system to the Indian Army. They will be used for surveillance in high-altitude areas. At least 50 km deep into enemy territory, about 100 swarm drones are capable of hitting the target. Its purchase was ordered under Emergency Purchase (EP). The Indian Air Force will also induct operational Swarming UAS in the near future.
निम्नलिखित में से incidental advance शब्द का वित्तीय शब्दावली म...
निम्नलिखित में से प्रारंभिक तेज़ी शब्द का वित्तीय श...
The following Hindi sentences are followed by four different ways in which they can be paraphrased in English language. Identify the sentence ...
The following Hindi sentences are followed by four different ways in which they can be paraphrased in English language. Identify the option wh...
Surprise inspection by some independent officer will also be made at times.
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‘मान्य हस्ताक्षर ’ क सही अंग्रेजी पर्याय चुनिये
कौन सा विकल्प के मुकाबले का उचित अंग्रेज़ी विलोम है?
निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा तदनुसार कार्रवाई की जाए वाक्यां...
“ प्रतिनिधिमंडल ” का सही अंग्रेजी पर्याय चुनिये।