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Answer: A - Rajiv Gandhi Scheme for Empowerment of Adolescent Girls (RGSEAG) Sabla, Ministry of Women & Child Development.
The best example of cooperative farming model is:
Which among the following market structures has the highest product differentiation?
According to need hierarchy theory, safety needs are fulfilled after satisfying of which need?
The value which represents the distribution as a whole can be called as…
Amount of DAP, which supplies 27 kg N will also supply P₂O₅ :
Beneficial elements of plant are:
A. Sodium
B. Vanadium
C. Selenium
D. Cobalt
Choose the correct answer from the options given below
Polypod larva is found in ______:
What is the potential consequence of over irrigation?
Widely accepted Classification of Forest Types of India is based upon:
The coriander flower is: