SEBI has imposed a penalty of Rs 6 lakh on Multi Commodity Exchange (MCX) for flouting norms in a case pertaining to data entries of Sikkim-based clients. The matter relates to incorrect input of State code and City code as Sikkim by seven trading members of MCX in the UCC (Unique Client Code) database. SEBI found that MCX imposed a penalty of Rs 10,000 per client on these trading members for wrong entries in June 2022.
According to a report by Brand Finance which is India's most valuable brand?
Who received the World Food Prize 2021, for unlocking the benefits of fish for diet, health and livelihood Across the Global South?
What is the main function of a firewall in network security?
Which of the following is NOT a feature of National Income?
Tsangpo river flowing through Tibet is known in India as:
The book ‘An Extraordinary life’ is based on whose biography?
As per Census 2011, India's population was 121.1 Crore with _____ female population.
Who explained the structure and reproductive system of algae in 1935?
Compressed natural gas (CNG) is a fuel gas made of petrol and it is mainly composed of which gas?
Netaji Subhas National Institute of Sports is situated in______.