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Axis Bank entered into a partnership with ITC Limited to offer the bank’s lending products and services to farmers who are a part of ITC’s agriculture eco-system.The deal will enable Axis Bank to cater to the financial requirements of the unserved and under-served farmers based in the remote regions of the country. Axis Bank will leverage ITCMAARS (Meta Market for Advanced Agricultural Rural Services), a full-stack Agri-tech application for reaching out to the farmers and addressing their financial requirements.
Like many in Russia, she blamed the country's failings on futile attempts to _____________ with the West.
Select the most appropriate option to complete the sentence.
The _____________ of the storm is yet to come.
The film is about the age-old ………. of right and ……... .
In the following question a sentence is given with a blank. Choose the most appropriate option to make the sentence contextually and grammatically corr...
Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word.
He seems to have no ______ of keeping his promise.
We should not _________ in others’ matters.
It is important to understand just how ________ is the state of India’s environment.
Select the most appropriate option to fill in the blank.
________the A.C. was on, the room was not cool.
The proposed tax structure on services ………… much ………. complex ………… we have ...
Poor economic policy making coupled with ________________ decision making at the level of the executive has often been identified as a _________________...