According to the data provided by SEBI, a total of 2,672 complaints against companies and market intermediaries received through SCORES platform were disposed of in February. At the beginning of February, as many as 2,603 complaints were pending and 2,321 fresh complaints were received during the month.These complaints were related to refunds, allotment, redemption and interest, among others.
Which of the following Articles in the Constitution deals with the applicability of habeas corpus?
Is there any provision as to communication provided under the General Defences Indian Penal Code?
Which part of the Constitution contains provisions related to Panchayats?
Restrictions against right to private defence are contained under which section of IPC?
Which section of IPC deals with when the right to private defence of body can extend to causing death?
Which of the following is not subjected to causing of death of person in private defence?
A, a surgeon, in good faith, communicates to a patient his opinion that he cannot live. The patient dies in consequence of the shock. He had knowledge o...
doli incapax is:?
Under the Constitution of India, provision to disqualification on ground of defection is made:-
The concept of free legal aid takes its root from which article of the Constitution of India?