RBI has imposed a penalty of Rs 3.06 crores on Amazon Pay (India) Private Limited. Due to non-compliance with some prepaid-related guidelines, RBI has imposed this penalty. Amazon Pay is an online payment company owned by Amazon.
What is the enzyme responsible for carboxylation in C₄ plants?
Which of the following is the most serious disease of Okra?
Intense leaching and weathering of bases like Ca, Mg result for development of which type of soil?
Which one the following is considered when the calculated F is greater than table F value at 5% only, the differences in treatments is?
Galleria mellonella is a insect pest of
‘Pusa Nanha’ is the variety of:
Match List I with List II
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In legume crops, symbiotic nitrogen fixation is regulated by the quantity of trace element in soil:
Arrowing refers to
What is the tag color of certified seed?