The Centre appointed Indian Civil Accounts Service Officer S.S. Dubey as the 28th Controller General of Accounts (CGA) under the Ministry of Finance, Government of India. Previously, he has served as Joint Secretary and Financial Advisor to the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs and the Ministry of Development of the North Eastern Region. CGA is the Principal Accounts Advisor and it operates under the Department of Expenditure. It is not a constitutional body.
Who reads Dainik Bhaskar?
If all the persons turn 180° to their right, then who among the following person sits second to the right of X?
Six persons F, G, H, I, J and K are sitting around circular table facing towards the centre. J sits second to the right of F. G sits opposite to K but n...
What is the position of T with respect to the one who likes Strawberry?
Who among the following sits second to the right of R?
Who among the following is an immediate neighbor of K?
Which of the following statements is not true?
Which of the following statement is true?
Eight people K, M, F, I, L, J, H and G are sitting in a straight row and all are facing north. K sits third from one of the extreme ends of the line. M ...
The girl who likes K is facing who among the following girls?