Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the world's longest railway platform of 1.5 kilometres at Sri Siddhaarooda railway station in Hubballi in the Indian state of Karnataka. The second-longest platform is in Gorakhpur city in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh measuring 1,366.33 metres. Meanwhile, the third-longest platform is at Kollam Junction in Kerala measuring 1,180.5 metres. An investment of Rs 20.1 crore was made to build this platform as part of the railways' initiative to renovate stations.The construction began in February 2021 and is now finished. The station connects Hosapete (Gadag side), Vasco-Da-Gama/Belagavi, and Bengaluru (Davanagere side) and is a crucial crossroad in Karnataka (Londa side). Prime minister Modi also flagged off the Hubballi-Secunderabad Jn Express train with electric engines, inaugurated new campus of IIT in Dharwad city and dedicated several other projects along with the world's longest railway platform, Hubballi-Dharwad. He dedicated IIT Dharwad campus to India for which the foundation stone was laid by him in February 2019. About Karnataka Chief minister: Basavaraj Bommai Governor: Thawar Chand Gehlot Capital: Bengaluru
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