Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently laid the foundation stone for the National Institute for One Health in Nagpur. This new institute of medical excellence will further expedite the country’s efforts in enhancing health research to serve our vulnerable populations.
[(7/8 of 640 - 60% of 300) × (√225 ÷ 5)] ÷ (1/4 of 800) = ?
3/7 of 504 ÷ 12 + 17 = √?
√49 + √144% of 3600 = ?
Solve for ?.
12.232 + 29.98% of 539.99 = ? × 5.99
(43/10) + (4.2/1.2) - (2.7/3) = (?/4) + (2.7/6.0)
0.3 × 0.2 + 0.4 × 0.3 + ? = 413.18
(60/15) × 25 + 15 2 – 18% of 200 = ? 2
50% of (22 x 15) + 205 = ?
862 - 37 – ? = – 432