Explanation: Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.K. Stalin presented ₹1 crore to Kartiki Gonsalves, director of the Oscar-winning documentary The Elephant Whisperers. The film revolves around the lives of caretakers Bomman and Bellie at the Theppakadu elephant camp in the Mudumalai Tiger Reserve (MTR) and Ragu, the calf they raise. Ragu was brought to the camp as a six-month-old orphan. The story is also about the duo caring for another abandoned calf Ammu. Mr. Stalin had felicitated the caretakers of Ragu with a citation and ₹1 lakh cheque on March 15. Additionally, a grant of ₹1 lakh each from the CM’s Public Relief Fund has been given to all 91 mahouts and assistants in the two elephant camps in MTR and Anamalai Tiger Reserve.
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