The Maharashtra government has given approval for a 75-feet tall 'Statue of Knowledge' dedicated to Dr B. R. Ambedkar in Latur city. Rs 10 crore have been sanctioned for the entire project. About Maharashtra Capital: Mumbai Chief minister: Eknath Shinde Governor: Ramesh Bais
I. 104x² + 9x - 35 = 0
II. 72y² - 85y + 25 = 0
I.70x² - 143x + 72 = 0
II. 80 y² - 142y + 63 = 0
I. 3x2 – 17x + 10 = 0
II. y2 – 17y + 52 = 0
Solve the quadratic equations and determine the relation between x and y:
Equation 1: 19x² - 88x + 100 = 0
Equation 2: 17y² - 79y + 9...
I. 165x² + 97x + 10 = 0
II. 117y² - 163y + 56 = 0
Solve the quadratic equations and determine the relation between x and y:
Equation 1: x² - 24x + 135 = 0
Equation 2: y² - 26y + 153 = 0
I. 20x² - 93x + 108 = 0
II.72y² - 47y - 144 = 0
I. 2x2– 5x – 63 = 0
II. 2y2– 7y – 72 = 0
I: √(100 x4 + 125x4) + 7x + 41/2 = -4x
II: 3√(64y3) x 2y + 19y + 72 = -3y +...
I. 6x2 + 23x + 10 = 0
II. 2y2 - 3y - 5 = 0