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According to the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2023, the Indian Institute of Technology-Delhi has entered the list of top 50 institutions for engineering. As many as 44 programmes offered by Indian higher education institutions in different disciplines have figured in the top 100 globally. Last year, 35 Indian programmes made it to the top 100. The Delhi University is the Indian university with maximum entries (27) followed by Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Bombay, (25) and IIT-Kharagpur (23) IIT-Bombay has featured among the world's top 100 in mathematics by gaining the 92nd spot, up by 25 places, and IIT-Kanpur ranks among the world's top 100 in engineering-electrical electronic (87th, up by 21 places) and in computer science information systems (96th, up by 13 places). While IIT-Kharagpur occupies the 94th spot, up by 15 places, for computer science and information systems, IIT-Madras has moved up by 50 places to come at 98th spot for mathematics.
KMnO4 (potassium permanganate) is used to determine __________ in soil.
Which type of antennae has the appearance of comb-like structure and longer on one side?
A phenomenon in degradation process wherein an intermediate product of herbicides proves more phytotoxic than the parent compound
Which of the following features is NOT a part of the recently launched Krishi-Decision Support System (Krishi-DSS)?
An irrigation project is called as medium irrigation project when CCA is
The dissolution of old cuticle and formation of new one is known as:
Water requirement satisfaction index (WRSI) < 50 indicates
Instrument used for measuring solar radiation is ____
Young female pig who had not given the birth to any offspring till now?
Which plant growth regulator is used to reduce pre-harvest fruit drop in grapes?