· India and the World Bank have signed a loan agreement for the construction of the Green National Highway Corridors Project in four States. · These States are Himachal Pradesh, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh. · The agreement has been signed for the construction of 781 kilometers in these States, with loan assistance of 500 million dollars. About World Bank · Established: December 1944 Headquarters: Wahington D.C President: David Malpass
After going 80 m from his home towards east, a person turns left and goes 20 m, then turns right and moves 100 m, then turns left and goes 60 m, then tu...
If we remove all the letters from this series, then which of the following element will be 7th from left end?
Arrange the words in the alphabetical order and pick the one that come in the end.
How many letters are there in the given series which are immediately followed by a number?
L 6 7 Z @ U 5 % 6 L M @ N O L 9 @ Y # 5 F 6
Select the number combination of letters that when placed sequentially in the blanks of the given series will complete the series.
G G G _ _ G H ...
In the given series, how many symbols are immediately preceded by a vowel and immediately succeeded by an alphabet?
In a certain code language ‘ SMART ’ is written as ‘ RLBQS ’ and ‘ TEACH ’ is written as ‘ SFBBG ’. How is ‘ LIPID ’ written in that...
What is the sum of all the even numbers in the given series?
Which one of the following will be the last but one when arranged according to the English Alphabetical Dictionary?
If we interchange 1st and 4th letter of each word then which word will make a meaningful English word after the rearrangement?