World Consumer Rights Day was first observed on March 15, 1983, by Consumers International, a federation for consumer groups. The date was chosen to commemorate the historic speech given by US President John F. Kennedy in 1962 to the US Congress to uphold consumer rights. The theme for World Consumer Rights Day 2023 is 'Empowering Consumers Through Clean Energy Transitions'.
1. All phones are wires.
2. All switches are wires.
3. Some wires are poles.
4. Some poles are not phones.
<...Which of the following pair have same Flat No. and same Floor No.?
In the question below some statements are given followed by three conclusions I, II, and III. You have to take the given statements to be true even if ...
Only year is month
Only a few year is day
All day is week
26% week is minute
All aeroplanes are trains.
Some trains are chairs.
I. Some aeroplanes are chairs.
II. So...
Statements:Some combs are boxes.
All boxes are mirrors.
Conclusions:I. Some boxes are combs.
II. Some mirrors are combs.
Some summers are winters.
Some seasons are autumns.
No winter is a season.
I. Some summers a...
Only a few Gifts are Surprise
Only Surprise are Party
Some Gifts are Cake
I. No Party are Cak...
No poem is a story.
All stories are novels.
All novels are articles.
I. All articles are...
All Light are Pole
Some Steel is Light
No Pole is Metal
I. All Metal is being Light is...