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Banks have agreed to issue ‘Bhobishyot’ (future) credit cards as proposed by the West Bengal government to extend youths a loan of up to Rs 5 lakh to start new business ventures. The state will provide 15 per cent guarantee money, and 85 per cent loan guarantee through credit trust established by Credit guarantee trust for small and medium industrialists.
Which device is best suited for measuring the temperature inside metallurgical furnaces?
Cathode rays when obstructed by metal cause emission of -
Which of the following particles in motion, having the same kinetic energy, has the shortest wavelength?
A charged particle oscillates about its mean equilibrium position with a frequency of 105 Hz. What is the frequency of the electromagnetic wa...
Which of the following is not an insulator?
The functioning of a quartz crystal in a watch is based on which principle?
A Nephometer is used to measure:
The mass and energy equivalent to 1 a.m.u. respectively are -
What principle/law explains the working of the hydraulic brakes in automobiles?
Total mechanical energy =