SEBI has decided to set up a corporate debt market development fund in the form of an AIF with an initial corpus of Rs 3,000 crore to act as a backstop facility for purchase of investment grade corporate debt securities during times of stress. The move is aimed at instilling confidence amongst the participants in the corporate bond market and to generally enhance secondary market liquidity. The government has allowed a 10x usage of this corpus to be availed taking the available fund to Rs 33,000 crore and this additional corpus is also guaranteed by the central credit guarantee corporation. CDMDF, based on a guarantee to be provided by National Credit Guarantee Trust Company (NCGTC) may raise funds, for purchase of corporate debt securities during market dislocation.
As per the sources of Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, which of the following states of India has the highest per capita income at ...
What is the (approximate) amount of financial assistance approved by International Monetary Fund for Sri Lanka in March 2023 to help the country overcom...
Which state in India has the highest population density according to the 2011 Census?
Which Indian state recorded the highest GST revenue collection for December 2019?
Which of the following has the shortest wavelength?
In which of the following demonetization, the 10000 rupees note were taken out of circulation?
The compound of a metal found in nature is called:
In which country is the Nobel Peace Prize awarded?
In which of the following month the GST collection cross 1.5 Lakh Crores:
Which of the following statements defines ‘chromatography’?
1. It is the process of separation of components of a mixture.
2. It ...