The Passport Index has published its latest update, revealing that India's Mobility Scores has fallen. India experienced the largest global drop on the Index this year. As of March 2023, its mobility score rests at 70. India’s ranking has fallen by six places so far this year, now individually ranked 144 in 2023 as opposed to 138 in 2022. The Index also showed drops in the scores of other large Asian economies including Vietnam, Indonesia, China, and Thailand. This decline indicates the extent to which these countries have not capitalised on the global uptick in mobility recorded last year. China continues to underperformed as compared to other countries like the USA and Germany because of its lack of visa-free agreements with blocs like the EU or regional competitors like India and Japan. It is currently ranked at 118th position in the the Passport Index individual rankings. South Korea, which is 12th in the individual rankings with a mobility score of 174, has the highest score in Asia. Japan in 26th with a mobility score of 172 is its closest Asian competitor. Only 10 countries have seen a rise in their mobility score this year. Sweden overtook Germany, rising to second overall. Kenya jumped four places in the individual ranking to record the largest gain this year.
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