Union Minister of Agriculture minister Narendra Singh Tomar launched the National Crop Insurance Portal's digitized claim settlement module 'DigiClaim' under the ambit of Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana ( PMFBY ) at Krishi Bhawan in Delhi . With the launch of the module, claims will be disbursed electronically, which will benefit the respective farmers of six states . Now, the automated claim settlement process will be an ongoing activity to ease all insured farmers' lives and provide them with a sustainable financial flow and support, informed the government through a release . The Union Minister mentioned that till date Rs 1 .32 lakh crore claim amount has been disbursed to the insured farmers under PMFBY . About Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana The Pradhan Mantri fasal bima yojana ( PMFBY ) launched on 18 February 2016 by Prime Minister Narendra Modi is an insurance service for farmers for their yields . It was formulated in line with One Nation – One Scheme theme by replacing earlier two schemes National Agricultural Insurance Scheme ( NAIS ) and Modified National Agricultural Insurance Scheme ( MNAIS ) by incorporating their best features and removing their inherent drawbacks ( shortcomings ). It aims to reduce the premium burden on farmers and ensure early settlement of crop assurance claim for the full insured sum .
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