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An 11-year-old girl Leena Rafeeq introduced her creation titled ‘Ogler EyeScan’. It is a smart application that is used to detect eye disorders. Learn Along: Leena Rafeeq was born in Kerala but currently stays in Dubai and is becoming famous for her recent launch.
What was held by the Court in the case of Powell v. Lee?
Fiction theory is related to which of the following concepts
A company shall have its first annual general meeting, held within a period of ______________ from the date of closing of the first financial year of th...
Total 6 types of Punishments are provided unders of IPC?
Which section of the Banking Regulation Act delas with the provisions relating to rates of interest charged by banking companies not to be subject to s...
The Wagan Mound Case discusses:
Which of the following statements accurately reflects the restrictions imposed on a person acting as an insurance agent for multiple insurers?
In case a Legal Disability continues up to the death of that person__________.
A public servant with the lawful authority to issue orders promulgates a directive stating that a religious procession is prohibited from passing throug...
In which of the following judgements has the Supreme Court struck down Section 66A of Information Technology Act,2000?